Much ado has been made of Miley Cyrus twerking all over Robin Thicke and being all provocative, wearing latex underpants, how her butt is flat, whether she has an eating disorder or not, and all kinds of other crazy nonsense. I would like to get past her Night at the Roxbury moment to Blurred Lines, ignore her lousy song and This is all kinds of awkward. lack of dancing, that weird furry themed number, and her attempt to shock people, and instead focus on her shoes. The girl paired creepers with latex. I have nothing against creepers or latex. They both have their time and place, and can look great if worn appropriately. But not together. In fact, I’m pretty sure the entire latex wearing fetish community all gasped and clutched their pearls when they saw her ill-fitting bikini thing (and that color) and creepers. Let me tell you what’s not sexy. Dancing around in a pair of big, clunky shoes and no pants. Creepers are great when paired with jeans. If you’re...
Shoes, fashion, kids, work and snark.